Easiest Way to Prepare 2021 My Oh So Yummy Famous Zucchini Soup

My Oh So Yummy Famous Zucchini Soup. Keywords: cream of zucchini soup, creamy zucchini soup, zucchini cream soup, zucchini soup, zucchini soup recipe. I'm planning on making it again to use up some of the rest of the zucchini soon." INGREDIENTS Several zucchinis or one monster that you lost in the garden, cut into chunks One large onion, chopped Three carrots, chopped Olive oil. It's that time of the year again Olga, the soup looks very fluffy when you pour it into the bowl, I bet it tasted oh so lovely in your I just made this recipe for the first time tonight, and oh my god, was it delicious. 🙂 I think I added too.

My Oh So Yummy Famous Zucchini Soup It's heading into summer over here in Australia and a tad hot but will definitely mark it down as one to make in winter. This creamy zucchini soup recipe is lightly seasoned with basil and black pepper. All Reviews for Quick Creamy Zucchini Soup. You can cook My Oh So Yummy Famous Zucchini Soup using 10 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of My Oh So Yummy Famous Zucchini Soup

  1. You need of diced zucchini.
  2. Prepare of small diced up potatoes.
  3. You need of frozen peas and carrots or one shredded carrot and a 1/2 a cup of peas.
  4. Prepare of large onion.
  5. You need of cooking cream (heavy cream).
  6. Prepare of butter.
  7. You need of Maggi cubes.
  8. Prepare of About 2 cups or more of water depending on how thick or thin you like your soup.
  9. You need of Small pieces of fried pita bread for the topping (optional).
  10. Prepare of Salt (optional) the Maggi usually has enough salt that you will not need to add any. Add this last if you need to.

I doubled everything and instead of mixing the flour and milk I sauteed the onions in butter added the flour to make a roux then added the milk and a. Healthy Creamy Zucchini Soup recipe video. Dozer fans - don't miss his cameo at the end of the video! I gasped out loud with disapproval….

My Oh So Yummy Famous Zucchini Soup instructions

  1. Take all the vegetables and cook them in a small about of oil until tender. Keep stirring till most of the water from the zucchini has been reduced. You want to keep some water so you will be able to blend them up easily..
  2. Now, take you vegetables and use a hand held blender in the same pot or pour them in a blender and blend them till smooth. You may need to add a little bit of water just so they can blend..
  3. Pour the mixture back into the pot and add the butter and cooking cream. Start by adding 1 cube first of the Maggi chicken stock. Turn the heat down to a medium high and let it boil for a bit. Once the Maggi cubes has dissolved and the soup has gotten thicker taste it and if you feel like it needs another cube add the other one. Also, check the thickness of the soup, depending on if you like you soup thick or a little thin you can add more water. It is supposed to be like the consistency of a creamy potato soup maybe a little thicker..
  4. You may have to adjust the measurements of the soup just depending on how much of everything you are adding. The zucchini is supposed to over power the other vegetables. Good luck and enjoy!!!.

Especially with this cold weather, it's warm and yummy but still light so you don't feel all sluggish after gorging yourself bowl after bowl after bowl. Everyone in my family likes this soup. Sometimes I use mini farfalle in this soup because my grandchildren say it looks like tiny butterflies. Yummy and so quick and easy! Made recipe exact, but used bow tie pasta because had on hand.